22 May Determining if a Sand Point Water System is Right for You
Typically located no more than 25 feet below the ground, a sand point water system is a shallow water well source general used in areas where the ground under the soil is sandy. To install a sand point water system, a small diameter screen is driven into the sand and then connected to a pump that runs through the ground. Due to the shallow depth of a sandpoint water system, it is also only used in areas where the water table is high enough to provide a source of water.
Getting Use from Your Sand Point Well
While sand point wells have fallen out of favor in many modern areas due to the potential for contamination, they are still regularly found in rural areas or in areas where domestic municipal water charges are so high that consumers are looking for a less expensive water source for outdoor use. For example, while they still may use the municipal water source for drinking, cooking and other indoor needs, the sand point water may be used for gardening, irrigation and other outdoor purposes in order to keep the water bill down.
Enjoying Safe Drinking Water from Your Sand Point Well
Of course, even a sand point well can be used to provide potable water by simply installing the proper treatment equipment. Using reverse osmosis filtration and ultraviolet water treatment, for example, can transform otherwise undrinkable water into water that is safe to consume. At Pump Service Idaho, we will be happy to help you assess your situation in order to better determine whether or not a sand point water system is right for you. By assessing your property, your needs and the cost involved with a sand point water system versus a drilled well, you will be better able to determine which of these two water options is right for you.
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