22 Feb Removing the Rotten Egg Smell from Your Water
If your water smells like rotten eggs, you will certainly want to know more about why your water smells this way and you can address the problem.
Why Does My Water Smell Like Rotten Eggs?
In most cases, a “rotten egg” smell in well water can be attributed to hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide is created as a byproduct from the digestive process of anaerobic microorganisms. Since these microorganisms thrive in the absence of oxygen, they are frequently found in clay, wells, swamps and sewers. In large quantities, hydrogen sulfide is poisonous and can ignite easily. It can also cause your pipes to corrode.
Fortunately, hydrogen sulfide does not remain in water for long after it has been exposed to air. Therefore, if you fill a glass with water containing hydrogen sulfide, it will leave after sitting for only a few seconds. In addition, the rotten egg smell should disappear in less than a minute.
How Can I Remove the Rotten Egg Smell from My Water?
To remove the rotten egg smell from your water, you should first open both your hot and cold water to determine whether or not the smell water is coming from both taps or just one. If the smell comes only when using hot water, it indicates that the problem exists in the water heater rather than from anaerobic microorganisms in your well.
If the problem exists in both your hot and cold water, you have several options for addressing the smell. One is to install a bladderless fiberglass water tank along with a venting systems. This will help to remove the hydrogen sulfide as well as the smell. If your water has high levels of iron, you may need to also install an iron filter to remove excess iron. A carbon filter can also help to remove odor from your water. If you are experiencing rotten egg smells in your water or any other issues with your well water system, contact Pump Service Idaho to learn more about how we can help.
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