22 Jul The Sand Point Water System: Is it Right for You?
Rather than having a well drilled at your home, you may be considering installing a sand point well instead. Whether or not this is the right option for you depends on a number of factors that you should take into consideration.
One of the benefits to installing a sand point well is that it is generally less expensive than a drilled well. Due to some of the potential drawbacks of a sand point well, however, you may have difficulty finding a lender who will back this type of well if you are in need of financial help to get the job done.
Installing a sand point well is less expensive than drilling a well, but the pump used in a sand point well generally requires more maintenance than that which is used with a submersible pump. Therefore, the cost of maintenance and upkeep must also be considered when comparing one system to the other.
Due to the nature of sand point wells, they can be installed virtually anywhere that you like on your property. In addition, since the equipment that is used to install a sand point well is much smaller than that which is used to drill a well, installing a sand point well is typically far less invasive and can be done without making as a much of a mess.
Water Quantity and Quality
While a sand point well is typically less expensive to install than a drilled well, it should also be noted that they generally are not capable of providing large volumes of water. In addition, since a sand point water system relies on the natural gradient of the ground material, the water from this type of system is also more likely to be dirty than the water from a drilled well. Similarly, a sand point well is more likely to become contaminated since there is little to no surface seal material installed with this system.
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