21 Nov Well Water Testing: What Should I Look For?
When it comes to well water, there are several different contaminants that can have a negative impact on your water. While some of these contaminants are simply a nuisance, others can cause a threat to your health. Of course, even if the contaminant is not dangerous to your health, the contaminants can reduce the overall efficiency of your water system or they may create strange smells, tastes and textures that you want to have removed. Here are some of the most common contaminants for which you should test.
Standard water tests will test your water for a variety of different minerals. Minerals for which water is commonly tested include:
- Calcium
- Chloride
- Copper
- Flouride
- Iron
- Manganese
Having these minerals in your water can affect the overall hardness, PH, turbidity and alkalinity of your water. Therefore, removing them from your water can help to improve the taste while also making the water perform better with soap and in other day-to-day uses.
Volatile Organic Compounds
Volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, can also be sometimes found in water. VOCs are compounds that easily become vapors or gases. As such, they are commonly released from burning fuels such as wood, natural gas and coal. Examples of VOCs that may be found in water include gasoline compounds, such as benzene and MtBE. VOCs can be quite dangerous to your health and typically get into water by seeping into the soil and getting into the groundwater. As such, VOCs typically are not found in drinking water that is obtained from surface water sources such as streams, lakes and reservoirs.
Regardless of the contaminant, it is generally in your best interest to have it removed from your water. With the help of Pump Service, you can identify the sources of contamination while also selecting the proper water treatment equipment to keep your water safe and clean for use.
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